Example Social Letters, Guides and Samples

Happy, in-person social events are food for starved techies. Ask that texting and phone calls be limited to emergencies only.

Choose a topic to view example social letters:

Accept a formal invitation to a social event Accept an invitation to a business appointment Accept an invitation to an event Accept an invitation to join an organization Accept an invitation to speak or perform Accept an informal invitation to a social event Announce a broken engagement Announce a class reunion Announce a job-related party or retreat Announce an engagement in a newspaper Announce an engagement in a personal letter Announce an engagement with an invitation Announce the graduation of a son or daughter Apologize for missing an appointment Apologize for missing an event or for overlooking or forgetting someone Cancel a wedding Cancel or postpone an invitation Confirm a guest's attendance at a conference or symposium (organizer's letter) Confirm a speaker's or special guest's attendance Confirm your own attendance as a speaker or special guest Congratulate someone on a religious occasion Congratulate someone on his or her engagement Congratulate someone on his or her graduation Congratulate someone on his or her wedding or marriage Decline an invitation to an event Decline an invitation to join an organization Decline an invitation to speak or perform Extend an invitation to participate in or attend a fund-raising event Extend an invitation to a business social event Extend an invitation to a personal social event Extend an invitation to join an organization Extend invitations to winter holiday parties (business and personal) Extend an invitation to speak or perform Extend invitations to seasonal parties: Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, etc. (business and personal) Extend a formal invitation Introduce someone to an organization or the community Thank someone for hospitality Thank someone for visiting a place or attending an event Welcome a new resident to the neighborhood Welcome someone into a group, association, religion, or club

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