How to Write a Social Letter Event Letter
by WriteExpress Staff Writers
- Tips
- Extend an invitation to a social event
- Accept an invitation to a social event
- Decline an invitation to a social event
Tips for Writing Social Letters
- As a general rule, write the invitation letters so that they can arrive at least two weeks before the event.
- Normally keep these letters fairly short.
- Consider writing the letter on decorative or festive stationery. For business events, company letterhead is also appropriate.
- Handwrite your letters to add a nice, personal touch.
How to write a letter to extend an invitation to a social event:
- Generally begin your letter with a warm, personal greeting.
- Identify the event.
- Indicate the purpose of the event.
- Indicate the date, time, and location of the event and any other important information (such as a theme for the event, if there is one).
- Include whether those attending should wear casual or formal attire, or any other special dress (such as costumes, uniforms, etc.).
- If special guests will be attending, you may want to include this information in your letter.
- If there is a cost for attending the event, include the amount.
- If refreshments or a meal will be served at the event, include this information in the letter, as well. Also, if the event is a potluck or similar occasion, indicate the food or other item the person should bring.
- If the host/guest of honor would prefer not to receive gifts, briefly mention this fact in your letter. Or if a particular type of gift is desired (as is the case for some bridal showers, for example), indicate the type of gift in your letter.
- Include a request for readers to respond to the invitation by a specific date (RSVP), if desired.
- Close by expressing your expectation that the event will be a success and your hope that the person to whom you are writing will be able to attend.
How to write a letter to accept an invitation to a social event:
- As you begin your letter, express your appreciation for the invitation and thank the reader for inviting you.
- Tell the person that you accept the invitation.
- Include any other pertinent information, if necessary (for example, if you must arrive late or leave early and want to mention that fact).
- Ask any questions you might have, or if desired, confirm details about the date, time, location, travel arrangements, or accommodations pertaining to the social event.
- Let the reader know that you look forward to the event. Give your assurance that the event will be a success.
How to write a letter to decline an invitation to a social event:
- Express your appreciation for being invited to the event.
- If the event was to raise money or show support for a particular organization or group that you support, mention this fact to the reader.
- Express your regret for being unable to attend the event.
- Indicate why you cannot attend, if desired.
- If appropriate, congratulate the person(s) (for a wedding, graduation, birthday, etc.). Or if the event was a fundraiser and you would still like to send a donation even though you cannot attend, state that you have included a contribution and indicate the amount of the donation you are making.
- Express your hope that the event will be a success.
Letters related to social-event letters:
- Formal Social Event Acceptance Letter
- Accept an invitation to a business appointment
- Accept an invitation to an event
- Accept an invitation to join an organization
- Accept an invitation to speak or perform
- Accept an informal invitation to a social event
- Announce a broken engagement
- Announce a class reunion
- Announce a job-related party or retreat
- Announce an engagement in a newspaper
- Announce an engagement in a personal letter
- Announce an engagement with an invitation
- Announce the graduation of a son or daughter
- Apologize for missing an appointment
- Apologize for missing an event or for overlooking or forgetting someone
- Cancel a wedding
- Cancel or postpone an invitation
- Confirm a guest's attendance at a conference or symposium (organizer's letter)
- Confirm a speaker's or special guest's attendance
- Confirm your own attendance as a speaker or special guest
- Congratulate someone on a religious occasion
- Congratulate someone on his or her engagement
- Congratulate someone on his or her graduation
- Congratulate someone on his or her wedding or marriage
- Decline an invitation to an event
- Decline an invitation to join an organization
- Decline an invitation to speak or perform
- Extend an invitation to participate in or attend a fund-raising event
- Extend an invitation to a business social event
- Extend an invitation to a personal social event
- Extend an invitation to join an organization
- Extend invitations to winter holiday parties (business and personal)
- Extend an invitation to speak or perform
- Extend invitations to seasonal parties: Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, etc. (business and personal)
- Extend a formal invitation
- Introduce someone to an organization or the community
- Thank someone for hospitality
- Thank someone for visiting a place or attending an event
- Welcome a new resident to the neighborhood
- Welcome someone into a group, association, religion, or club