General Subscriptions/Memberships
Letter #1
Your gift subscription to Jane Doe's Recipe-of-the-Month Club is scheduled to expire next month. We hope you have enjoyed these delicious recipes that represent some of the finest dishes found throughout the world. Here are just a few of the recipes we will be sending Club members in our upcoming mailings:
*(list recipes)
We hope you will continue your subscription. Just check the box on the enclosed renewal card and return it in the postage-paid envelope today. We will bill you later.
Don't let a month go by without receiving these yummy recipes. Send in your renewal today!
Letter #2
You just received your last issue of (name of publication).
To continue receiving copies without interruption, please contact us right away.
Enclosed, please find a renewal card and a postage-paid reply envelope.
Mail in your renewal today so you won't miss a single issue of (name of publication)!
Letter #3
Don't delay!
A while back we wrote you about renewing your subscription, but we haven't heard from you.
Your subscription will expire soon, but if you send in the enclosed renewal card today, your subscription will continue without missing an issue.
Please check the appropriate box: one, two, or three years--and mail the renewal card now.
Don't miss a single issue!
Letter #4
Just a reminder...
... it's that time of year again. Time to renew your subscription to (name of publication).
During the last twelve months, you've read about:
(List 3-5 interesting topics)
You've enjoyed hundreds of articles like these.
You won't want to miss out on any of the upcoming issues. Please mail in the enclosed renewal card today to ensure that your subscription continues uninterrupted.
Don't worry about sending money now. We'll bill you later.
Mail in your subscription card today!