Ask For a High-dollar Donation
Letter #1
Over the past years, your foundation has significantly contributed to the financial health of our organization and to the continued successful operation of the services we provide. We see daily the positive effects of such services, and we want you to know that your contributions have directly assisted the hungry and homeless of our city, relieving much suffering and furthering a good cause.
The major project for the coming year is to construct a new shelter and food kitchen for the homeless and hungry population in (Name of Neighborhood) neighborhood. Through our recent fundraising campaign, we have raised just about half of the funds required to successfully complete the project. Considering the past support and generosity of your foundation, we are writing today, therefore, to ask for a special show of commitment to help us meet our financial goals.
The enclosed brochure details varying levels of support, all of which would greatly assist our plans. Please consider making a donation at the highest level possible for your foundation.
Again, we deeply appreciate your continued vision and support.
Letter #2
Your generous donations have made such a difference in the lives of little children who have been stricken with cancer. They might not know your names, but we who do also know that many of our patients can run around in the sunshine now, happy and carefree, because of you.
Now, as cancer research has progressed, we have the opportunity to introduce an exciting and newly proven treatment that promises to save even more of these young lives. In order for us to get this treatment up and running this year, we are hoping that you would consider providing us with $10,000. If you could, we would need half of it as soon as possible and the remainder by the end of November.
If you are able to meet this need, we know that you will find your greatest reward in the knowledge that you have blessed countless young lives, but we would like to give you something else as well. We would like these little patients to know your name! In recognition of your generosity, would you give us permission to name the new treatment room after you?
We thank you once again for all you have done in the past, and appreciate your consideration of this new request.
How to Write this Fundraising Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines
This letter is generally written to individuals who show a particular interest in your cause by contributing higher donations than is average. Because this letter is written to people who have shown an ability and desire to give more money to your organization, your correspondence should reflect your appreciation for their dedication to your cause. Consider using higher quality envelopes and paper, and make sure to personalize your letter.
- Be sure to personalize this upscale letter.
- If applicable, thank the donor for his/her generous donation(s) in the past.
- Tell how these previous donations have helped your organization--give specific examples, if possible.
- Tell what the additional funds requested will be used for and, if applicable, the special need that they will fill.
- Ask for a specific amount (or range of amounts) of money that is comparable to or proportionately higher than donors' previous donation(s).
- Tell about any special recognition the high-dollar donor will receive.
- Have a well-known and respected supporter or someone with elevated status in your organization or community sign the letter (a CEO or chair of your organization, or a civic or community leader, for example).
Write Your fundraising in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases
1 Be sure to personalize this upscale letter.
Sample Sentences for Step 1
- Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Graham,
- We want to ask a favor of you, Mr. de Sosa.
- We know how much this work means to you, Mrs. Rogers.
- Conserving our wildlife is very important to us, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, and we believe that it is to you, too.
- We'd like to ask you, Jacob, if you will help us fight a special cause.
- We are looking for people like you, Doe Family, to help us make a difference in our city.
- Can we count on you, Mr. Flores, to help us to meet this goal?
- Every cent you give, John and Susan, will go directly to the children who so desperately need it.
Key Phrases for Step 1
- Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones,
- Dear John and Mary,
- Dear Johnson Family,
- that's why we've asked you, Mrs. Tucker, to
- need your help, Mr. Smith, to make this
- if you and your wife could contribute
- hoping that your family will
- the money that you give, Ms. Doe,
- you can know, Mr. and Mrs. White, that the money you contribute
- over the years, Jane, your family has
- Dear Jeffrey,
- Dear Jacobson Sisters,
- this last year, Mr. Black, we have
- need the help that you, Ms. Luke, and your husband
2 If applicable, thank the donor for his/her generous donation(s) in the past.
Sample Sentences for Step 2
- We want to sincerely thank you for your generous donations in the past.
- Mr. Doe, I want to personally thank you for your previous donations to our organization.
- I hope you know that you made a significant difference in the lives of the people we serve, and we truly thank you for it.
- We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the many times in the past when you have supported our work.
- Jane, I want to personally thank you for your generous donations.
- I know you have helped so many underprivileged families in our area through your generous donations, and I truly thank you for it.
- Over the years, your family has donated millions of dollars to our work. How can we ever adequately express our appreciation?
- We want to let you know how grateful we are for your financial endorsement.
Key Phrases for Step 2
- have truly appreciated your support
- over the years your family
- your donations have
- the money you have so generously contributed
- past contributions have made it possible
- very grateful for the aid
- thank you so much for
- hope you know how grateful we are
- express our gratitude to you and your family
- express our thanks for the many
- you have made a difference
- wanted to personally thank you
- convey to you our appreciation
3 Tell how these previous donations have helped your organization--give specific examples, if possible.
Sample Sentences for Step 3
- With the financial contributions you made last year, we were able to completely renovate the north wing of the library.
- Because of your generous donations, several disadvantaged families in our community were able to know for themselves the joys of homeownership.
- Through your donations, we were able to double the amount of books and other supplies we sent last year.
- Your generous matching donations last year made it possible for us to purchase the medical equipment we needed.
- As you know, we were able to raise over $1 million last year, and your donation was a big part of that.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jones, because of your very generous support, we now have a shelter in our community for the abused and abandoned animals in our area.
- With your help, we were able to provide more than 100 million meals to needy individuals throughout the state.
- Most important, earlier this year we were able to complete construction on the school, and we never would have been able to do it without your support.
Key Phrases for Step 3
- have been able to purchase more than
- able to provide needed
- helped us to find homes for
- allowed us to do crucial research
- paved the way for
- provided the Mitchell family with
- helped us to provide affordable housing for
- made it possible for us to
- gave us the opportunity
- able to fund almost twice as many
- able to double the number of
- provide needed equipment and supplies for
- fed more than 200 families
- purchased books and other school supplies
- to the victims of
- reverse the effects of
- save more than 3,000 acres of
- helped local shelters to
4 Tell what the additional funds requested will be used for and, if applicable, the special need that they will fill.
Sample Sentences for Step 4
- Now, we face an even greater need.
- Because of the great success we had last year, we would like to try something we have never been able to do before.
- Though we have come a long way, there is still so much that can be done to further our cause.
- Right now, as you know, our community is facing a crisis.
- We are raising money for a very special, urgent need.
- We are hoping that, now that the program has proven to be very effective, you will help us to expand it even further.
- We are hoping to expand our program and send volunteers to countries we were never able to enter before because of a lack of funding.
- Several years ago, you helped us to build our natural wildlife museum. Now, that museum will be closed down unless we act immediately.
Key Phrases for Step 4
- branch into areas we have never been able to
- increase the number of families that
- greatly increase the number of
- provide aid to people in countries that
- build a system to provide clean water for
- buy property in order to
- buy the supplies necessary for
- special equipment that will be used to
- your donation will be used to
- sole purpose of this special
- your donation, along with
- will be put to immediate use
- will meet the immediate needs of
- allow us to expand
- make it possible for us to
- build a shelter for
- never yet been able to
- will go to a special cause
- meet the special needs of
- save our community symphony
- help us to do a very special work
- allow us to send volunteers
- give the medical care
- continue funding for the program
- need your help more than ever
- desperately in need of
5 Ask for a specific amount (or range of amounts) of money that is comparable to or proportionately higher than donors' previous donation(s).
Sample Sentences for Step 5
- Would your family be able to donate $5,000 to help us to reach this goal?
- That's why we're asking you, Mrs. Wallace, to send a check today for $10,000.
- As one of our most loyal supporters, can we count on you to make a donation today of $50,000?
- We are asking all of our members to contribute between $1000-5000 to help us meet this urgent need.
- Will you, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, support this latest effort by making a generous donation of $500 or more?
- Time is of the essence, so we're asking that you send a donation today of $20,000.
- Would you consider making a donation of $1000, $5000, or even $10,000 to help us fight this cause?
- As a leading contributor to our organization, we're asking that you make a sizable donation of $25,000 or more.
Key Phrases for Step 5
- asking you to donate $1000
- if you could give $10,000
- your donation of $500 or more
- with your donation of $5000
- if your business could give $50,000
- your contribution of $250 will allow us to
- would you consider donating $1000-5000 for the
- as a leader in the community, we ask that you give
- because of your loyal support in the past, we're asking that
- will you give $100-$500 to help us
- willing to make a donation of $20,000
- hope you'll consider giving
- your check for $2000 or more
6 Tell about any special recognition the high-dollar donor will receive.
Sample Sentences for Step 6
- To show our sincere appreciation for your response to this need, we will include your name in our next quarterly newsletter.
- We will be holding a special recognition dinner to thank all those who can contribute at this time.
- All those who make a donation of $5,000 or more will be invited to join our President's Circle, whose benefits include...
- To show our gratitude, we hope you will accept this free gift, a beautifully crafted timepiece of your choice.
- As always, those who donate to the symphony will receive complimentary tickets to our next performance.
- We plan to honor all those who contribute by including their names on a special plaque that will be proudly displayed in the north lobby.
- Your contribution will of course entitle you to a free year's subscription to our monthly magazine.
- As a special incentive, if you donate more than $15,000, we will include your name on our Wall of Thanks.
Key Phrases for Step 6
- if you donate more than
- hope you attend a special recognition dinner
- invite you to a special night for
- include your name in our monthly newsletter
- your name will be included on a plaque
- include your name on each program
- invite you to our VID (very important donor)
- guest at each one of our
- a special performance to honor
- send you a special
- accept this free gift
- send you a pair of complimentary tickets
- allow us to honor you by
- come as our special guest
- invite you to speak at our annual
- please share a few words
- include your name in our annual report
- accept this beautiful calendar
- send to you a free, beautifully decorated
- mail your complimentary tickets
- keep you updated on the
- send you quarterly updates
- receive our beautifully designed magazine
- member of our President's Club
- member of the Golden Givers
- special place in our Founders' Circle
7 Have a well-known and respected supporter or someone with elevated status in your organization or community sign the letter (a CEO or chair of your organization, or a civic or community leader, for example).
Sample Sentences for Step 7
- Sincerely,
- With warm regards,
- Regards,
- Sincere thanks,
- Best regards,
- Most sincerely,
Key Phrases for Step 7
- John Doe, President
- Douglas Doe III, President and CEO
- Michael Smith, Founder
- Jane White, Dean
- Lisa Tucker, Chair
- Mary Jones, Vice President
- Governor Michael Hewitt
- President Lana Douglas
- Senator Jonathon Hatch
- Representative Jacob Nielsen
- Daniel Johnson, Mayor
- Lucas Washburn, Honorary Chair
- Jeffrey Welsh, Professor Emeritus
- Walter Doe, City Council