Unwavering Love


We create a harmony together that people rarely experience in this life. Like bow on a string, we complement and enhance each other perfectly. We bring out the beauty and resonance in each other. As a couple, it's clear that our love is meant to be.

We have both been through so many heartaches before, and I know that we have learned too much through this life to ever take each other for granted. I know that we will never grow tired of exploring with each other or of learning new things together. I know that our life together will always be an exhilarating journey and a mesmerizing constellation of all that is good.

I am so thankful to be with you. I want you to feel the unwavering love I have for you, so that I can make you ecstatically happy. I don't want you to doubt for a moment that you are everything I need and want. I cannot remember any time when I have wanted anyone or anything more. You consume me. There are simply no words to adequately describe the depth of my feelings for you. I love you in every way.