Found You Again • Letter Example


Eighteen years ago you walked out of my life, and I confess to you that it was the worst thing that ever happened to me. You had such an impact on my being that nothing in my life has measured up to that experience or amounted to anything of such importance.

Now, once again, you are back in my life, and it is the most wonderful thing imaginable. My every thought is of you and each time that I am able to talk to you, I am drawn closer and closer to you. I must tell you that I have held you in my heart all these years and nothing has ever made me forget the love that we shared. I do not know what the future holds for us, but I am thankful to God that He has brought you back into my life, and I have a second chance.

At any given time when you command it, I will be there for you. Nothing else in this world matters as long as we can live the rest of our days together.

I love you, my beloved.

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