
Letter #1


PAY LESS FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND EARN MONEY FOR YOUR SCHOOL. is a leader for online musical instruments, accessories, sheet music, and software.

We guarantee the lowest prices anywhere. And 5% of every purchase made by teachers and students is credited back to your school's account. Our professional sales staff will guide you through one of the largest selection of band and orchestra instruments on the Internet.

For more details on our selection or on our school rebate program, click here.

Letter #2


Summer is a great time to learn a musical instrument! Whether your child wants to learn something new or improve for next fall's band class, Doe Music Center is here to help.

Our expert instructors offer lessons in:

*(list instruments)

Nothing builds self-esteem like playing an instrument. Music gives children discipline and a sense of accomplishment.

Give your child something productive to do this summer. Our enclosed brochure lists class schedules and prices. Call today for more information or to register--555-5555.